Category: Coaching

I’ve been a busy girl these past few months! Between my art and music projects I’ve been studying to get my certification as a Mindfulness Coach, and by gosh, I’ve done it! As a Mindfulness coach, I help people learn to be more present in the moment by teaching them to pay attention to their […]

Many of you are probably lighting your advent candles or eating that first piece of chocolate from your calendar. This is a special month for Christians around the world. It’s also a Holy month for many other religious and spiritual traditions: Hanukkah (Jews), Bodhi Day (Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Jains), Yule (Pagans & Wiccans), Kwanzaa (African […]

In a public Facebook thread, I dared to say ‘Happy Gurpurab’ to the Sikh community this week. I was then told to ‘wake up,’ ‘lay off the pipe,’ ‘go live in India,’ and ‘put a sock in it Nancy pants,” among other insults.   Is the light in us gone? Has the soul in us […]

“Songwriting and visual art share the same creative process, and self-discovery is a big part of it. Sometimes it’s hard, but mostly it’s magical.”  Throughout the pandemic, I’ve ebbed and flowed with my creative practice. Sometimes it was easier to binge something on Netflix, play free cell on my phone, or just sleep. The first […]

I’ve been writing with Jan Blaising for a couple of years now, and I’m currently co-producing her first CD along with my collegue Connie Mims. It’s a real joy to watch Jan blossom as a songwriter and even a bigger thrill to see her reaction when I told her she won a songwriting award!  Last […]

I feel so fortunate to be a creativity coach and I have the most amazing clients. Recently I had an opportunity to produce an EP for one such client, Jan. Our collaboration has been going on for a few years now, and Jan’s songs are so great we knew the next step was to book […]

The third weekend in April 2019, on Saturday the 20th, Seven Bridge Writers’ Collaborative will host its first fundraiser, where Canadian songwriter and musician, Nancy Beaudette will perform in the evening after facilitating a workshop in songwriting during the day. SBWC’s Paula Castner spoke with Nancy to talk about her experiences in music and about […]

October 24, 2018 This past weekend, a dozen women gathered up in Freeport, Maine in an atmosphere of camaraderie and excitement to experience the first-ever Spark Creativity Retreat weekend. I’ve been hosting creative workshops and activities for many, many years, but this is the first time I’ve taken it to this level: renting a creative […]