“Peace is not the product of a victory or a command. It has no finishing line, no final deadline, no fixed definition of achievement. Peace is a never-ending process, the work of many decisions.” — Oscar Hammerstein II
Happy to announce that “Peace Date” has earned a 5th place title in the Songs for Peace Songwriting Competition. Co-writers Nur Felix and Nancy Beaudette were awarded a $500 prize for the honour. Thank you to the Judges for selecting our song among all the impressive entries.
About the Competition:
Songs For Peace© is quite simply an international songwriting contest. It begins online when people submit their original peace songs, and progresses as others vote on the songs, and finally, a panel of judges reviews the highest rated songs and selected wildcard choices.
When enough people focus on peace instead of war, on harmony instead of discord, love instead of hate, a sea of change for peace can take place that will sweep the world. Just as mob violence is created by a critical mass of angry people with angry thoughts, so peace can be created by a critical mass of people focusing on peaceful thoughts.
Music is a powerful medium that has been used to foster patriotism, prepare for battle, sell products, promote religion and to inspire love. Why not use the universal language of music to permeate our culture with aspirations for peace and brotherhood?