April 01, 2014
“Silence Tonight”, a song performed by Artist Nancy Beaudette, written by Nancy Beaudette and Christine Hatch, is named a FINALIST in the Great American Song Contest in “Special Category Music
Exceptional songs were discovered in all categories of the 15th Annual Great American Song Contest. GASC Judges reviewed songs by nearly 1600 songwriters around the world. The high quality of songwriting made the task of choosing winners enjoyable, but very challenging.
“I think this song continues to get recognition because it speaks to everyone’s longing for peace in the world, but especially hits home with Mother’s who have children in the service. At Christmas time, it’s a poignant reminder of our global quest for an end to all conflict“, says Beaudette.
In 1999 the Great American Song Contest™ was announced, quickly gaining a reputation as a “genuinely rewarding song contest that provides opportunities for songwriters to develop and promote their songs.”
In the 15 years that followed the Great American Song Contest established a worldwide reputation as a highly recommended International songwriting event that benefits EVERY songwriter, lyricist and composer who participates.
To watch the Official Video of “Silence Tonight” click here