“Musings – 28 Days of Collage”

“Songwriting and visual art share the same creative process, and self-discovery is a big part of it. Sometimes it’s hard, but mostly it’s magical.” 

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve ebbed and flowed with my creative practice. Sometimes it was easier to binge something on Netflix, play free cell on my phone, or just sleep. The first few months of the lock down I felt caught  somewhere between a snow-day and a bottomless pit. I really had to force myself to do what I always know is the right thing for me – create something. Write. Make art. Practice my instruments. I think the best decision I made for myself in 2020 was to finally build an art studio. Nothing huge, but a dedicated space to lay out my art supplies and tools, leaving a crack in the door for the muse. 

My first big art challenge started in February 2021. I found out about “Februllage” – a 28 day collage making challenge – on instagram, and followed their prompt calendar for inspiration. My new book, “Musings – 28 Days of Collage,” shares both the art and inspiration for each day’s creation. It is a pleasure to share it with you, knowing the work is embellished with imperfection, and capped with rainbow sprinkles. I hope it satisfies your sweet tooth just a wee bit.


“Musings – 28 Days of Collage” (8″ x 10″ paperback or digital pdf – 70 full colour pages) available in the SHOP or on Amazon.